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  • Publisher is exactly "Papers of James Monroe, Vol. 4"

1802.12.x Pleasants (82715 to).pdf
declines offer of appointment as judge of new chancery court

1802.12.x Pleasants (82714 to).pdf
inquire if JM would accept appointment as judge of new chancery court

1802.11.24 Jefferson (82635 to).pdf
forwards copy of his letter to Rufus King relating to sending rebellious slaves to Sierra Leone; refusal of officials in the West Indies to allow the importation of rebellious

1802.11.22 Mercer (82630 to).pdf
has agreed to serve another term as governor; sympathizes with JM's economic problems

1802.11.18 Mims (82625 to).pdf
report on prisoners confined in the penitentiary

1802.11.04 Skipwith (82593 to).pdf
has not yet been paid in full for sale of house in Paris; will return to law practice when his term as governor expires; hopes to be able to repay loan from Skipwith; congratulations on marriage; urges Skipwith to be frugal; introduces Peter Derieux

1802.11.04 Livingston (82592 to).pdf
thanks for sending swords; thanks for news from France; pleased with progress of political affairs in the United States; introduces Peter Derieux

1802.11.03 Daveiss (82583 to).pdf
attorney representing JM in suits concerning JM's land claims in Kentucky; reports that no original survey of the claim exists and that other important papers are not on file; says that recent estimate of value of land is erroneous; urges JM to order…

1802.10.20 Mercer (82523 to).pdf
sends papers relating to Gabriel's conspiracy; Virginia has taken measures to protect itself against future slave insurrections; forwards papers relating to case of seaman surrendered to British at Norfolk; hopes to see him soon; plans to resume law…

1802.10.20 Daveiss (82526 to).pdf
is trying to determine the value of his land in Knox County, Kentucky; intends to visit Kentucky to view land; asks Daveiss to keep his plans a secret; intends to practice law when his term as governor ends; is trying to end rumors that he will…

1802.09.15 Mercer (82413 to).pdf
deplores party animosity preceding election; fearful of growing strength of Federalists in Maryland; requests information on maintenance of state property in Virginia, the James River Canal, and the Virginia militia

1802.09.06 Newton (82387 to).pdf
quarantine at Norfolk; deportation of slaves held in the penitentiary; French ships carrying slaves from St Domingo must not be allowed to unload in Virginia

1802.08.21 Maury (82353 to).pdf
two French ships are at New York carrying slaves deported from the French West Indies; suspects that they will try to sell them in the southern states

1802.08.10 Jefferson (82335 to).pdf
leg injury prevented JM from delivering letter from William Short to Jefferson

1802.08.07 Newton (82319 to).pdf
Newton has authority to appoint physician to inspect ships entering port of Norfolk for contagious disease
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