causes of the war in Europe; expected that the war would extend against the United States because of the American Revolution; British outrages against America; negotiations with France; negotiations with Spain
second part of a two-part newspaper essay; blames the administration's foreign policies for the breakdown in relations between the United States and France and the war in Europe itself
annual message: operation of armory; operation of penitentiary; legal reform; distribution of arms to the militia; determination of state boundaries; river improvement; road construction; state of the militia; urges improved communication with the…
annual message; subjects discussed: opening of penitentiary; distribution of arms to the militia; transfer of marine hospital to the national government; determination of state boundaries; surrender of seamen to British at Norfolk; quarantine at…
annual message; construction of penitentiary and armory; establishment of public guard in Richmond; storage of public arms; purchase of arms and their distribution to the militia; emancipation of slaves Tom and Pharaoh who exposed Gabriel's…
Thomas Paine has not returned to the United States; JM's recall and Charles C Pinckney's appointment as his replacement has been announced in the newspapers; John B Prevost thanks JM for kind attention while he was in France; David Gelston…