Browse Items (8 total)

  • Source is exactly "(Richmond) Examiner"

1802.12.15 announcement (82693 to).pdf
has resumed practice of law in the superior court at Richmond and the chancery court at Staunton

1802.05.05 Louisiana I (81968 to).pdf
persons who advocate alliance with Great Britain to prevent France from taking possession of Louisiana are Federalists intent on destroying friendship between France and the United States

1802.03.13 advertisement (81815 to).pdf
advertisement for sale of farm near Charlottesville

1800.09.17 proclamation (80409 to).pdf
proclamation offering reward for capture of Gabriel and Jack Bowler, accused of inciting slave rebellion

1800.08.23 Monroe (80249 to).pdf
imposes quarantine on ships sailing from Norfolk

1800.03.26x Proclamation (79906 to).pdf
penitentiary ready to receive prisoners

1799.12.03 Agricola (91249 to).pdf
urges the assembly to take measures to counteract efforts by the Federalists to consolidate their power in national government
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