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  • Source is exactly "Massachusetts Historical Society (MHi): Adams Family Papers: JQA Letterbooks"

1816.04.15 from Adams (104325 to).pdf
conversation with Lord Castlereagh regarding negotiations on American fishing rights in Canadian waters and mutual disarmament on the Great Lakes; informed Castlereagh that he had not yet received authority or instructions to negotiate such points;…

1816.02.08 from Adams (103922 to).pdf
conversation with Lord Castlereagh regarding arms limitation on the Great Lakes, British assistance to hostile Indians, British policy on Florida and the Spanish American revolutions, slaves taken by the British at the end of the war, American…

1815.07.03 from Adams et al (102885 to).pdf
forward commercial treaty negotiated with the British; details of the negotiations; terms of the treaty

1815.05.09 from Adams (102568 to).pdf
has not yet received his commission as minister to Great Britain; thanks for appointment; hopes that Henry Clay and Albert Gallatin can assist him in the negotiation of a commercial treaty with Great Britain; Clay, Gallatin, James Bayard and William…

1815.03.13 to Adams (102049 to).pdf
forwards Adams's commission and credentials as minister to Great Britain; instructions for Adams's mission; forwards act of Congress proposing the abolition of discriminating duties; forwards copy of James Madison's message to Congress; terms of the…

1814.12.25 from Adams et al (99937 to).pdf
forward copy of peace treaty with Great Britain; account of final negotiations; peace will be concluded when both sides ratify the treaty without alteration; Anthony SJ Baker will deliver British ratification to the United States

1814.12.24 from Adams (99894 to).pdf
peace treaty has been signed; preparing to begin negotiations on commercial treaty with Great Britain; asked to be recalled as minister to Russia; willing to serve as minister to Great Britain; going to Paris; peace treaty is best that could be…

1814.10.25 from Adams et al (97551 to).pdf
send correspondence with British peace commissioners; disappointed that the British repeatedly delay the negotiations; negotiations at the Congress of Vienna are moving at a very slow pace

1814.10.10 from Adams (96986 to).pdf
recapitulation of negotiations with British

1814.09.05 from Adams (95653 to).pdf
peace negotiations with Great Britain breaking down; British settlement terms are based upon fear that United States might attempt to invade Canada; conversation with Henry Goulbourn regarding Alexander Cochrane's proclamation encouraging slaves to…

1814.08.19 from Adams et al (95331 to).pdf
discussion with British commissioners regarding Indian buffer zone, naval armament on the Great Lakes, and boundary between Maine and Canada and American cession of territory in Maine to Great Britain

1814.08.12 from Adams et al (95290 to).pdf
British commissioners have arrived in Ghent; have begun negotiations

1814.06.25 to Adams et al (95101 to).pdf
has not received any dispatches from them; uncertainty of British-American relations caused by end of war in Europe; authorizes them to refer the issue of impressment to a separate negotiation if that question is only impediment to a treaty; United…

1814.05.23 from Bayard and Gallatin (94944 to).pdf
submitted copies of their commissions to negotiate a peace treaty to Lord Castlereagh; informed by Lord Bathurst that a British commission would be appointed; have agreed to British proposal to meet at Ghent; requested Henry Clay and Jonathan Russell…

1814.05.06 from Bayard and Gallatin (94842 to).pdf
prospects of peace in Europe may have adverse affect on relations between the United States and Great Britain; British have not yet appointed commission to negotiate peace with United States; plan to recommend that negotiations take place in Holland
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