Browse Items (9 total)

  • Place of Writing is exactly "The Hague"

1795.12.29 Adams (90631 to).pdf
bankers at Amsterdam unable to accept JM's proposal concerning repayment of loan owed by the United States; has received bill for payment of interest on the loan

1795.12.17 TB Adams (90609 to).pdf
payment of loan due at Amsterdam

1795.12.04 Adams (90593 to).pdf
Amsterdam bankers want payment on loan to United States; asks JM to send money from Paris

1795.07.08 JQA (90429 to).pdf
acknowledges receipt of letters and papers; seizure of American property by French from Russian ship; does not need draft provided by the State Department for purchase of supplies; ask JM to forward letter from the Swedish minister at the Hague

1795.05.16 Adams (90351 to).pdf
has forwarded papers to be delivered to Thomas Pinckney; pleased by news of political stability in France; negotiation of treaty between France and the Netherlands; seizure of American ships and cargoes by the French; security of American property in…

1795.03.30 JQA (90322 to).pdf
introduces Baron de Rehausen; American vessels allowed to enter Dutch ports without interference; Dutch political affairs unsettled; informed de Rehausen that he could leave book requested by Adams with JM temporarily

1795.03.23 JQA (90312 to).pdf
asks JM to forward letter to Mr Johnson; orders given to allow American vessels to enter Dutch ports; domestic affairs in Holland; hopes for peace in Europe; no word from State Department

1795.03.12 Adams (90308 to).pdf
food shortages in Europe will create market for American produce; political affairs in the Netherlands; unsettled state of affairs in the Netherlands is obstructing American trade; has to deal with both Dutch and French officials; asks if it is…

1795.02.23 JQA (90286 to).pdf
hopes that JM is successful in improving French-American relations; United States intends to maintain friendly relations with the new Dutch revolutionary government; relations between France and Holland; has relayed request for more evidence in the…
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